2020-21 IQAC Meeting Report

1. Online Meeting with Hon’ble President on 2-07-2020 at 7 pm.
Highlights of the meeting: Discussion on Audit Report and Budget, Queries and Status of work, Office future plan and fee structure, Last year’s Academic year IQAC Report, Present year’s Institutional Requirements and future plans, Present status of NAAC, AQAR Report, Automation of Office, Students results and scholarship, Conducting various seminars and workshops, Salary of Full-time and Part-time Faculty, Faculty Projects.

Action Taken : It was decided to plan for next academic year, institutional requirement , automation of office, students results and scholarship.

It was also decided to conduct international, national, state and regional Seminars, Conference and Workshops.
It was also decided to plan for faculty projects.

2. Online Meeting with Hon’ble Secretary on 17-07-2020 at 7 pm.
Highlights of the Meeting - Discussion to conduct lecture series for 28+10 days through Youtube channel on theme “Twelth Century Vachanakaras” at Sharanabasaveshwara Samsthana’s Shivanubhava Mantapa for 28 days and 10 days Lecture Series on “Poojya Dr. Sharanabasawappa Appaji’s Life And His Contributions”
Action Taken : It was decided to organised lectures series from 21st July to 19th August (28 days) and 20-08-2020 to 30-08-2020.
It was also decided to invite Resource Persons & given information about their subject, date and time.

3. Online Faculty meeting was convened on 19-07-2020 through Zoom at 3 pm.
Highlights of the Meeting - Discussed on conducting online webinar through YouTube channel for 28 days and 10 days on several “Shivasharana Vachanas” and “The Great Achievements of Poojya Dr. Sharanabasawappa Appa in various fields” and to contact and to collect information from the resource persons in their respective subjects.
Actions taken: Conducted online webinar through YouTube channel for 28 days and 10 days on ‘shivasharana vachana’ and great achievements of poojya Dr. Sharanbasavappa Appa in various fields from 21st July to 19th August (28 days) and 20-08-2020 to 30-08-2020.
The committee was decided to inform the resource persons about their date and time and topic.

4. A Faculty Meeting was convened on 21-08-2020 in Principal’s Chamber at 4pm.
Highlights of the Meeting - Discussion on syllabus, time table, seminars and workshops.
Actions taken: It was also decided that all the heads of the department would be responsible for structuring their departmental calendar of activities that is syllabus, time table, seminars and workshops and others.

5. Online meeting was convened through Zoom on 23-08-2020 with students and parents.
Highlights of the Meeting - To Discuss to Convene Parents teacher meet and to observe National Sports Day
Actions taken: Online parent teacher meeting was organised with students in that meeting parents expressed their views and suggestions were accepted. The department of sports was decided to organise National Sports Day (Dhyanchand Birth Anniversary) on 26-08-2020.

6. Online meeting was convened on 15-09-2020 at 3PM.
Highlights of the Meeting - To discuss on organising state level webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights”, national webinar under the Dept. Of Kannada on”Halegannada Patya Oduvike mattu Arthaisuvike” and an International webinar series on “Karnataka Samkruti mattu mahile”.

Actions taken:It was decided to organise online state level webinar under IQAC on “Intellectual Property Rights” on 24-09-2020 and also online National ” Halegannada Patya Oduvike mattu Arthaisuvike” on 28-10-2020 under Department of Kannada and International webinar series of “Karnataka Samskruthi mattu Mahile” on 3-11-2020 to 9-11-2020. The concerned departments chalked out the programmes agenda, inaugural guest, resource persons and chairpersons of each sessions and key note speakers. It was decided to allot the work to respective faculty members.

7. Online meeting was convened on 22-09-2020 on Zoom.
Highlights of the Meeting - To discuss on organising Online NSS Foundation Day and to observe Gandhi Jayanti and Lal Bahadur Shastri Jayanti.
Actions taken: It was decided to organise online NSS Foundation day and also observation of Gandhi Jayanti and Lalbahaddur Shastri Jayanti on 2-10-2020.

It was also decided to the preparation of programme agenda, inaugural Guest, informed to NSS Volunteers about the programme on 24-09-2020 inaugurator was Dr.Dayanand Hodal, NSS Officer, Sharanbasaveshwar College of Commerce Kalaburagi..

Observed Gandhi Jayanti and Lal Bahaddur Shastri Jayanti with faculty members and non-teaching staff on 02-10-2020.

8. Meeting was convened on 02-12-20.
Highlights of the Meeting - To discuss on observing “Kanakadasa Jayanti” on 3-12-20 and conducting 3 Day Workshop for students , Library Workshop and Fine Art Workshop
Actions taken: observed Kanakadasa Jayanti on 3-12-2020..

It was decided to organise three days workshop for students on “Better steps for Competitive World” on 28th to 30th January 2020.It was also decided inaugural function and Resource person, preparation of agenda and work allotment to the faculty.

It was also decided to organise One day Regional level workshop under the Dept of Literary. Topic was decided “Usage of e-resources” and its inaugural function, resource persons, agenda and work allotment to the faculty on 27-01-2021.

It was also decided to organise two days workshop under the Dept of Fine art on 23-01-2021 and 24-01-2021. Topic was decided “Bhavchitra Karyagara” and also decided about the inaugural function, Resource person.

9. Faculty Meeting was convened on 15-01-2020.
Highlights of the Meeting - Discussion on Certificate Courses and Internal Assessment Tests, Hostel Facilities like Drinking Water, Food, Cleanliness, Reading room, Sports room and Other Facilities and on Student Academy Election
Actions taken: In this meeting the faculty members decided to conduct of certificate course, internal assessment tests.

It was decided to prepare the time table duty allotment for internal test to faculty members and also discussed about valuation after the completion of the test. It was decided on certificate course that is Board of Study, Syllabus, time table, duration of the course.

In hostel meeting was decided to solve of hostilities, that are drinking water, cleanliness, reading room, sports facilities, food on 21-01-2021.It was also decided to conduct Students Academy Elections and distributed the work allotment to faculty members to conduct election smoothly and also for Portfolio’s of academy on 23-01-2021.

It was also decided to organise two days workshop under the Dept of Fine art on 23-01-2021 and 24-01-2021. Topic was decided “Bhavchitra Karyagara” and also decided about the inaugural function, Resource person.

10. Meeting was convened on 20-01-2021.
Highlights of the Meeting - Discussion on conducting online international E- Conference on ESP under Dept. Of English and national workshop on Intellectual Property Rights under IQAC.
Actions taken: it was decided to organise One Day Online International e-Conference under the Dept of English on 28-01-2021.

It was also decided to prepare the inaugural function agenda, Inaugurator, Keynote Speaker and each Session Resource persons list, date and time and also it was decided to students of English subject ad faculty members an also informed the speakers about the programme e-Conference on e-conference on “Trends and Tendencies in English for specific purposes”.

It was also decoded to conduct Two Days National Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights “on 30th and 31st January 2021. We also invited and information was given to inaugurator Resource Person about the date and time and also on topic of each session and inaugural function.

11. Meeting was convened on 22-01-2021
Highlights of the Meeting - Discussion to observe Republic Day.
Actions taken: Observed Republic Day on 26-01-2021.

12. Meeting was convened on 03-02-2021.
Highlights of the Meeting - Discussion on organising regional workshop for office bearers on “Office Management”, one state level seminar under the Dept of Kannada and to discuss on framing different committees for different streams

Actions taken: it was decided to organise Two Days Regional level workshop for Office bearers on 6th and 7the February 2021 on “Office Management” in collaboration with on Joint Directorate Collegiate Education, Regional Office Kalaburagi.

It was also decided to prepare the agenda of the programme and invite the inaugurator Resource Persons and Chairpersons of each sessions, date, duration and concerned topic.

It was also decoded to conduct Two Days National Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights “on 30th and 31st January 2021. We also invited and information was given to inaugurator Resource Person about the date and time and also on topic of each session and inaugural function.

It was also decided to organise one day state level seminar on, “Kalyana Karnatak Janpada Sangeeta mattu Kalegalu” under the Department of Janapada Adhyayana Kendra and Dept of Music on 19-02-2021.

It was also decided to invite inaugurator, Keynote Speaker, Resource Person and Artists of Gigi pada, Hanti pada, Bhulayi pada and Kolata. It was also decided to prepare of agenda of the programme, work allotment of each sessions Rapporteurs.

13. Students Academy Meeting was convened on 17-02-2021.
Actions taken: in students Academy Meeting discussed on Fresher’s Day, the inaugurator Chief Guest, work allotment and the observation of “Vishwa Tayinudi” celebration on 21-02-2021.

14. Meeting was convened on 19-02-2021
Highlight of the meeting - Discussion on organising TQM Programme.

Actions taken: It was decided to organise TQM (Total Quality Management) programme for Fresher’s of BA/B.com first year students and divided them into four groups. It was also decided to allot the duty to faculty members and also they have to talk about the facilities of college and also decided to bring out the hidden talents of students. It was also decided to take opinions from students of each group.

15. Meeting was convened on 24-02-2021.
Highlight of the meeting - Discussion on conducting Parent-Teachers Meeting.

Actions taken: it was decided to conduct Parent-teachers Meeting on 28-02-2021.it was also decided to invite the parents as a Chief Guest, programme agenda, Feedback and their oral opinions and Suggestions was accepted.

16. Immediate Meeting was conducted on 04-03-2021.
Highlight of the meeting - Discussion on Special honours to Corona Warriors.

Actions taken: it was decided to do special honour to Corona Warriors especially Female Doctors, Police Dept, Junior Health Assistants, Asha Workers and for corporation workers from 6-03-2021 to 14-03-2021. It was also decide to organise One Day National Seminar on “National Education Policy-2020”.

It was decided to invite inaugurator, Key note speaker and Resource person, preparation of agenda and other work allotment for the programme.

17. Online Faculty Meeting was convened on 5-05-2021 through Google Meet.
Highlight of the meeting - Discussion on conducting the Online Classes.

Actions taken: it was decided to conduct immediate Faculty meeting through Google meet to discuss about online classes.

18. Online Faculty Meeting was convened on 07-06-2021.
Highlight of the meeting - Discussion to organise State seminars under the Dept of Commerce and Sports, Online One week Yoga training and observation of International Yoga Day.

Actions taken :it was decided to organise online One Week Yoga Training on 13-06-2021 to 21-06-2021 seminars and observation under the National departments of sports an commerce on topic “Role of pranayama in Covid-19 Pandemic situation (sports) and 21-06-2021 Consumerism and Financial Literacy on Covid-19 times (Commerce Department) on 10-06-2021.it was also decided to invite the inaugurator Resource person, and also about the date and time and topic of the programme.

It was also decide to celebrate the online International Yoga Day and to invite the Chief Guest. It was also decided to inform the chief guest about the programme.

19. Online Faculty Meeting was convened on 28-06-2021
Highlight of the meeting - Discussion to organise State seminars under the Department of Music and Journalism and mass communication.

Actions taken: It was decided to organise State Level Seminars under the Dept of Music on “Music and psychology in present scenario” on 1-7-2021 and under the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication on “Present Media and Development of Journalism” on 3-7-2021

It was also decided to invite the Inaugurator, Chief Guest and Resource persons of each session. It was also decided to inform the date, time and the topic of the each session and also informed the students.

20. Online Meeting was convened on 15-01-2021 for staff and students.
Highlight of the meeting - Discussion on organising vaccination camp.

Actions taken: it was decided to organise Corona Vaccination Camp for staff, students and for parents. The Covid-Task Force of the college informed the students about vaccination date and time.

21. Meeting was convened on 17-07-2021.
Highlight of the meeting - Discussion with Students Academy members and NSS Volunteers on SSLC Examination to work as a Corona Warrior.

Actions taken: as per the direction of our University NSS Cell informed that NSS Volunteers of the college should attend at SSLC Exam centre as a Corona Warriors.

It was decided that prepare NSS Volunteers list and informed them about the location and the duties was allotted that is distribution of masks, sanitization, screening rest, maintaining the social distance. Our volunteers worked at Shranbasaveshwara Arts, Commerce and Science Composite Junior PU College Kalabuargi on 19-07-2021 and 22-07-2021.

22. Meeting was convened on 12-08-2021.
Actions taken : As per the directions of the KSAWUV It was decided to celebrate “Azadi ka Amruth Mahosthava” 75th Independence Day.

It was also decided to conduct the competitions in patrotiotic songs, Salt Satyagraha Paintings, Essay Competition on Freedom Fighters and Fancy Dress Competitions and It was also decided to inform the date and timing of the competitions to the students.

It was decided to honour the Freedom Fighter.


Godutai Doddappa Appa Arts, Commerce and Science Degree College for Women, Matru Gyan Mandir, Brahmapur, S.B temple road, Kalaburagi - 585103



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